Thursday, June 28, 2007

Decorating the Lamp Posts (Part One in a Series)

I am looking at a lamp post outside my window. I see how drab it is just standing their all alone and naked. Something needs to go on it.

Ah, I have an idea...

Ann Coulter.

This woman is GOP in microcosm. What a wonderful blessing to man-kind this one is. And to think that we for the longest time did not know that we were in dire need of a woman like that. Wow, how did we ever survive?

This beautiful woman has said things directly of her desire for another terrorist attack on New York; someone should assassinate presidential hopeful John Edwards (the last i checked, calling for the assassination of ANY government official is illegal and that person can be arrested and charge with conspiracy, why is this woman walking free?) She has also went as far as hoping for a nuclear attack, either on US soil or a foreign country and performing genocide on Arabs and other muslims.

What happened to this woman to fill her with so much contempt for everything? Her daddy must have gave her "too much" love as a child? Or maybe it was mommy who did that. Maybe while using the coat-hanger trying to expel the demon seed inside her, mommy just scrambled her brain a little.

The hate that this woman spews is beyond compare and that what she says and many of her actions skirt morality, decency, and in many cases, law it amazes me that no one has stood up to her.

Having just scratched the surface with Coulters shenanigans, I have figured out the solution for the bland lamp post outside my window, just need a little rope.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More Fun with Right-Wingers

OK, I started a little fire with that last post as I have more questions. The way Bush talks and brags that he, not congress anymore, is the decider he looks more and more like that cop in the Harold and Kumar movie.

You guys talk about the constitution as if it is old and out of date with the times.

I say that about the bible.

Newt Gingrich. What a man. If he decides to run and actually gets elected, you can kiss our constitution goodbye as he supports rewriting it completely. Even doing away with the freedom of speech and religion as "we are in new age and these rules do not apply anymore."

Here is something that right-wingers hate...
Question: Why when you redraw district boundaries do you call it "redistricting" and a democratic thing to do, but when say Vladamir Putin does the EXACT SAME THING you call it an act of tyranny? Can you answer that?

Do you actually have the nations best interest in mind when you think of some of this stuff or do you just want to protect yourself or do you just like being pricks and bully people around?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

What is Right is What is Wrong

OK right-wingers, answer me this question:
"If you support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan so much, why don't you go fight in them?"

Yes its old, but no one really gives a good enough answer. Every right-winger I asked avoids the question as much as many of them avoided the draft when there was one. That or they bring up the same tired Bill Clinton and Oxford and the Draft episode.

So really, I want answers. Why not go fight it? I have heard excuses from injuries, to age, to college attendance. The same excuses people like Pat Buchanan, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity (he is gulf war age and he did not go) et al said. Ted Nugent is my favorite, he just freaked out at his physical then later took target practice at "those pussy protesters".

Is it me, or is it so ironic that 3 Vietnam Vets lost to a man who, lets face it, avoided the draft just like Bill Clinton did. Al Gore, John McCain and John Kerry all veterans of that conflict were all victims of the Bush/Rove machine. So does that mean that Bush et al actually hate the military? I mean, when Karl Rove goes mercilessly after 3 people who did more in their lives than he ever will do, and gets support and direction from the president, what kind of message does that send?

My favorite is Saxby Chambliss. This wonderful piece of shit, chickened out of service in Vietnam and then went on the attack against a man who lost all but one limb in Vietnam. Just like GWB went after John McCain and called him a traitor because he "broke" under the stress of torture. Saxby Shitless had the nerve to call Max Clelland a similar traitor and had pictures of Max superimposed with bin Laden and Hussein. To learned folk, this would not matter but Saxby (he is a guy, not even a fruity guy, but a guy. yeah, i know.) aimed this at the people in Georgia.

So, here we are and I want my answer. Its OK if you are scared to go or think it is more important for other people to do the things you really should be doing.

For the record, I do not support the war(s) so I have no need to fight.
I don't support the troops either. Why? when they signed up, they knew what they were getting into. As for that protecting my freedom bullshit, well, my freedoms and yours ended when congress blindly passed the Patriot Act.

Let me rationalize this so the hate mail does not get too out of hand. I don't feel sorry for a boxer who gets killed in the ring. I do not feel sorry for a football player who gets paralyzed or a baseball player who gets nailed in the nuts by a line drive. See a pattern? They know the hazards of their job. Hey, its horrible what happens, but that is par for the course.

Friday, June 15, 2007

13 More Reasons Life is Good...

Rush - Snakes and Arrows

1. Far Cry
2. Armor and Sword
3. Workin' Them Angels
4. The Larger Bowl (A Pantoum)
5. Spindrift
6. The Main Monkey Business
7. The Way the Wind Blows
8. Hope
9. Faithless
10. Bravest Face
11. Good News First
12. Malignant Narcissim
13. We Hold On

Need I say more? Didn't think so. Check out the video for Far Cry:

Fun Facts of the Day

This should have been included in my previous post, "Immigrations Song(s)" but it seems more effective and the numbers stand out more on their own.

Average wait time for a Non-Immigrant Temporary Visitor visa for peoples from China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, and other Asian countries as well as countries south of the U.S. border:
90 days to a year.

Average wait time for same visa class for peoples from Canada and nations in Western Europe:
2 weeks.

Approval rate for same visa for peoples from Asian and southern countries listed above:

Approval rates for same visa for peoples from Canada and Western Europe:

Average wait time for a K-1 "fiance" visa for peoples coming from non-European countries:
1 year.

Average approval for same:

And for Europe:
Immediately to 30 days for waiting and approval is 99%

A person is 40 times more likely to get a student visa if they are from middle eastern countries than they are from any other non-European countries.

All stats come from the US State Dept website.

Immigrant Song(s)

Is it me, or has this immigration bill and all its debates just seem a euphemism for the underlying cause? I here-by rechristen this bill and all legislation by its true and rightful title, "The 2007 Anti-Mexican and Other Brown People Bill" (AMOBP for short, or just Anti Mexican)

Is that bad?

Lets cut the crap. This bill in all its guises is anti-Mexican to the core. Well, anti-"new" Mexican. I bet Bill Richardson would pitch a serious bitch if he heard that. Of all the people this bill will affect, it is the Mexicans and not by name, other brown people as well.

Stop denying it and face up to it! The truth will set you free!

This bill goes to limiting immigration and allowing those here illegally, to become citizens at some point in the future after paying a $5000 fine and doing a 12 month "touch back" to their home country. There is also a provision for a wall. Yes, a wall. A big Roger Waters cum Nikita Khrushchev type of wall. Complete with razor wire, man eating dogs, watch towers, mine fields. God bless America!

Thank god we won the cold war.

I can see it now. In the not so distant future a world leader, since this time the roles will be reversed this leader will be communist or at least far-left leaning. Hugo Chavez will come to the wall and say "Mr. Bush (or whoever is president at the time) tear down this wall!" It is so ironic, that we pay homage to the 20th anniversary of the speech given by Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate where he told Gorbo to tear down his wall and we are talking about building one that will have the same purpose!

Why aren't we building a wall along the Canadian border? What is that? Because Canadians are not coming into our country en-masse and taking our bottom of the rung labor jobs or becoming cooks? How do you know? Do you have stats on that? No! Why? Because Canadians -for the most part- are...wait for it...WHITE!

Tell me again why this bill should not be called "Anti-Mexican and Other Brown People."

Probably because it just sounds so bad, as the truth so often does.

Friday, June 1, 2007

"His Panics!"

Pat Buchanan. There is a man for the ages. A man so filled with love of all things white its a wonder he wears black suits sometimes.

Virgil Goode. Congressman from Virginia. A fine outstanding man of principles, carries his own lynching rope in his briefcase and is so apposed to all things dark, even his own shadow is white.

Michael Savage. Vox Populi who so hates democrats and foreigners in general, liberals and "brownies" in particular, he has gone so far as to set up shop in and broadcast his love for all things Aryan from San Francisco!

God Bless the GOP!

These men, who glowingly speak for the party as a whole. Along with Ann Coulter, a woman who so passionately hates the left, that she supports the forced amputation of left arms and legs!, if they were in charge of this country the only thing we would have to fear is ourselves!

Now to get serious.

These people, the spokespeople for the GOP, have a lot of love to spread recently. Mainly dealing with immigration. Boy, you should read and hear what they have to say!

It is well known that Pat does not consider anyone worthy of American citizenship unless they are from Europe. Well, Western Europe. And Canada as long as they are not from Quebec or are Inuit. He does not have any love for non-english speakers unless they speak a language that is either the basis for english (teutonic) or some romance language (like italian or latin -he being catholic) French is not allowed, and woe to he who dares speaks in Spanish tongue. (Tom Tancredo is the same, I will get to him in a minute) Pats love for whiteness goes as far as to exploit all the failures of those of color (ie non western europeans) that he went so far as to say that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were black! (so help me he said it! Tancredo said they were mexicans who used fake names!)

Tom Tancredo is a fine piece of work. His home district is in the sepid backwater of Littleton, Colorado just outside of Denver. Tom hates immigrants, which means he hates his grandparents for immigrating to this country, probably illegally, but he will not admit it. He favors a border fence with Mexico a la Berlin Wall with mine fields, razor wire, M16 toting vigilantes guarding the top and just to show he is serious, he suggests the same thing for southern Colorado to keep those pesky New Mexicans out of his state. Bad enough the old Mexicans are coming in.

What is it with Italians and Irish and why are they so damned racist!?

Michael Savage, god could not create a more wonderful being. He is not Irish, or Italian. He is Jewish. I never met a racist, gay-killing Jew before, but there is a first I guess. You may remember Mikey as the person whom got fired from his job at MSNBC for telling a guest -who is gay- that he hopes he gets AIDS and dies. Saying that to anyone is like telling a Jew to go to the gas chamber. I don't get it. He claims to be an environmentalist, but he is the spokesman for a party that claims mercury is a vitamin and Agent Orange actually pairs nicely with roasted duck. So, I think maybe that is some kind of satire that he has a Ph.D as well.

I only mentioned the other two as filler. Everyone knows Ann from her wonderful voice of inspiration to terrorists everywhere "my only regret is they [9/11 hijackers] did not crash into the New York Times building and kill everyone inside" among others. What's wrong Ann? Did daddy not give you a hug after he was finished with you? As far as Virgil Goode, no real word on if he actually carries a lynching rope in his briefcase, but you never know about them people from the south!